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Detected CSS3 & HTML5 Features
Your current browser supports the following features which are (or may soon be) used in this web site. Supported features are in green; unsupported features are in red. If you have too many red features, you might want to consider upgrading or changing your browser.
- audio
- audio.m4a
- audio.mp3
- audio.ogg
- audio.wav
- backgroundsize
- borderimage
- borderradius
- boxshadow
- canvas
- canvastext
- cssanimations
- csscolumns
- cssgradients
- cssreflections
- csstransforms
- csstransforms3d
- csstransitions
- flexbox
- fontface
- hsla
- inlinesvg
- multibgs
- opacity
- rgba
- smil
- svg
- svgclippaths
- textshadow
- video
- video.h264
- video.ogg
- webgl
- applicationcache
- draganddrop
- geolocation
- hashchange
- history
- indexeddb
- localstorage
- postmessage
- sessionstorage
- touch
- websockets
- websqldatabase
- webworkers
The detection method used in the tables above is based on "HTML5 for Dummies - Quick Reference" by Andy Harris (Wiley, 2011, ISBN 978-1-118-01252-9), which makes use of the Modernizr JavaScript Library.

Revised on 21 July 2011