Unusual Tales from the Grave
(from 1704 - 1843)

The Burial Registers, from St Nicholas, Brighton, contain some unusual and sad stories; like the lady who was three days late for her own funeral ...


12th Nov
Stephen Dyne alias Wood Mason having Been Smothered in a Well & Digged out was Buried.
5th Nov
Henry Back was Buried who fell into a Furnace of Boiling Liquor as he was Brewing & lived Twelve hours afterwards.
9th Aug
Richard Earl of London (of the Parish of St Marylebone). He was killed in a boxing match on the race ground.
20th May
Elizabeth Hadley, found Murdered in a Well in Air Street.
5th June
William Matthews, died of Excessive Drinking at Shoreham Election.
14th June
Mary Ann Parsons (31) - Hospital
The Body was Buried June 17 the Coffin having been Buried without the Body June 14 by some mistake of the Porter at the Hospital.



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