The Cochrane Family
in Donegal

From 1895 to 1905, Lt-Col Robert Cecil Cochrane FRCVS collected information about the history of the Cochranes from the older members of the family and surviving documents. His notebook was completed around 1910 and he died in 1925. In about 1965, Gail Henderson (his great-niece and my sister) brought the information for Cecil Cochrane's generation up to date and added new information for her generation. There are a number of mentions of the Crawford, Kincaid and Style families who intermarried with the Cochranes.

Two booklets are now available as Acrobat (PDF) documents. First, "The Cochrane Family in Donegal" brings together all information known by me about the Cochranes in Donegal from c1656 and incorporates the notes of Cecil Cochrane and Gail Henderson. The second is a facsimile of Cecil Cochrane's beautifully handwritten notebook. Because of the illustrations and scanned images, both these documents have a large file size; 884KB for the Cochrane Family in Donegal and 2.5MB for the Facsimile of the Notebook. You will need a recent version of the free Adobe Reader to view these files.

Click on the appropriate image below, but please be aware that the first document is still in DRAFT form.


Click to view or download this 884KB Acrobat document. Click to view or download this 2.5MB Acrobat document.

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Thanks are due to Lois Moriarty (née Redman) for providing many documents about the Cochranes, and also to Mary Urry (née Bentley), Anne Fisher (née Bannerman) and Richard Crawley for providing photographs.


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© Geoffrey H Henderson